Occupational & Physical Therapy
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Welcome to Occupational & Physical Therapy
Name: Susan Smith, M.ED.
Title: Director, Exceptional Student Services
Phone number: (928) 527-6171Name: Michele Moore
Title: Account Specialist, Exceptional Student Services
Email Address: mmoore@fusd1.org
Phone number: (928) 527-6160
Who can get school-based therapy services?
- OT/PT is a related service, not a stand-alone service.
- Student must be identified as having a disability that interferes with education under the criteria of IDEA.
- OT/PT is not based on specific test scores or discrepancies, but rather on whether the unique expertise of the therapist is required for the student’s educational participation.
- Medical diagnosis itself does not determine eligibility under IDEA.
- The disability must “adversely affect the child's educational performance” (Part B).
What is the definition of school-based therapy services under Federal Law IDEA?OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY
- Improving, developing, or restoring functions impaired or lost through illness, injury, or deprivation
- Improving ability to perform tasks for independent functioning if functions are impaired or lost
- Help a child with an educational disability benefit from his/her special education program in the least restrictive learning environment. Physical therapists address performance skills where a child’s disability impacts or compromises their ability to access, participate, and/or make progress in their natural learning environments.
What does school-based therapy work on?OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY
- Fine motor deficits that impact academics
- Fine motor dexterity (cutting, manipulatives, etc.)
- Posture or seating if physical therapy is not involved
- Imitating motor movements (circle time, fingerplays)
- Bilateral coordination (using two hands to do two different things)
- Visual Perceptual deficits that impact academics
- Handwriting (fundamental motor skills related to handwriting – after formal instruction)
- Letter formation
- Sizing
- Spacing
- Typing
- Visual sequencing (puzzles, etc.)
- Figure ground (finding items in a competing background)
- Sensory-based behaviors that impact academics
- Oversensitivity
- Student squints, covers ears, refuses messy play
- Overstimulation
- “Shuts down” when the environment is too noisy or busy
- Seeking movement
- Getting up out of seat frequently, frenetic movement
- Seeking pressure
- Sitting on feet, touching others excessively, crashing into things
- Oversensitivity
- Gross motor deficits that impact academics
- Posture and positioning—Symmetry of positions, handling and transfer methods
- Neuromuscular and musculoskeletal systems—Range of motion, control of muscle tone, muscle strength, endurance, gross motor coordination, and motor planning
- Sensory processing—Equilibrium and protective reactions, proprioceptive and kinesthetic input, and bilateral coordination
- Functional communication—Classroom positioning, recommendations for adaptive devices or equipment
- Environmental adaptations—Evaluations and recommendations for modifications of architectural barriers and children’s equipment
- Adaptive equipment—Skin care, recommendations for splints, bracing, and positioning devices
- Functional mobility—Transfer skills, gait evaluation and recommendations, wheelchair mobility
- Mobility and transfer skills—Adaptive equipment, wheelchair and equipment care, and use for self-help
- Physiological function—Functional muscle strengthening, cardiorespiratory function and fitness, body mechanics, energy conservation techniques
- Prevocational and vocational skills—Generally strengthening, sitting and standing tolerance, motor coordination, adaptive equipment
- Education/communication—Information on disability and educational impact, staff training and development, liaison between medical and education staff (Martin, 1992)
What is not is an OT/PT’s realm of practice?- Writing conventions
- Capitalization and punctuation
- Grammar
- Content
- Attention-seeking or escape behaviors
- Behaviors that can be remediated with a positive behavior plan, sticker chart, etc.
- Students may have a diagnosed disability that impacts their motor skills BUT if it is not impacting their ability to participate in the educational program, then school-based related services are not indicated.
- Personal trainer
- Weight loss specialist/sports motivator
- “Toe Walking”
- How is this adversely impacting student’s education?
- Acute orthopedic injuries
- Students may have a diagnosed disability that impacts their motor skills BUT if it is not impacting their ability to participate in the educational program, then school-based related services are not indicated.
When are school-based therapy services discontinued?Discontinuing PT/OT services is warranted when the IEP/504 team determines that the child no longer requires the unique expertise of the occupational/physical therapist to achieve educational benefit. Factors in this decision include:
- Child has met the functional goals.
- Deficits are no longer interfering with the child’s ability to function within his/her educational program.
- Strategies can be implemented by the current educational team.
- Equipment and environmental modifications are in place and are effective.
- Level of participation is within expectation for the child’s educational program.