• Are NADL students required to take state mandated tests?

  • Are the classes the same as those offered in a traditional school?

  • Can my child take courses through NADL as a homeschooled student?

  • Can students go at their own pace? Can they "get ahead" so they can graduate early?

  • Do I have to complete all of my work using a computer online?

  • Do the courses count for high school credit?

  • Do the courses follow a set curriculum?

  • Do you offer courses for grade replacement?

  • How are absences handled in the online setting?

  • How do my grades transfer?

  • How do students get help?

  • How is student progress monitored in a course?

  • How long do I have to finish?

  • What do I need to know about attendance for full-time distance learning students?

  • What if I already attend high school full time?

  • What if I do not attend a Flagstaff Unified School District school?

  • What if I do not finish on time?

  • Where does my student take the final exam, and how is it scheduled?

  • Who is a good candidate for distance learning?

  • Will credits from my previous school transfer to your program?

  • Will my diploma be accepted by a university?