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Winter Weather Cancellations, Make-up Schedule

February 12, 2024

Dear FUSD Families,

The Flagstaff Unified School District (FUSD) has canceled school for a total of four (4) days so far during this winter season. The following information is being communicated to families about changes to school schedules and plans to make up missed instructional time.  

FUSD will first utilize the make-up days designated on its calendar, Monday, April 22, and Friday, May 10, to account for the two (2) school days canceled due to winter weather on February 2 and February 7.  

Students will not be required to make up the two (2) canceled school days on February 8 and February 9 as the district utilizes its surplus instructional time above the state requirements that are built into the daily school schedules. 

The Flagstaff Unified School District will continue to keep our families updated about changes to school schedules.


Michael Penca