What is AR?
Accelerated Reader
DeMiguel students are starting in the Accelerated Reader (AR) program when they become established, independent readers. Students in grades 2-5 are encouraged to participate and students in 1st grade may begin the program in January.
For those parents not familiar with the program, Accelerated Reader is a computerized reading incentive program. The students read from a series of selected books and take a test. We have a nice selection of books. The computer awards points based on the difficulty of the book and the number of questions that the students answer correctly.
Through the use of this program, the staff at DeMiguel hopes to encourage our students to read more so that they become better readers. Since the amount of time reading is directly associated with academic achievement, we would like to encourage you as parents to promote this program with your children.
Our ultimate hope is that the first reward the students receive is the love of reading! We also offer numerous incentives to the children. Students may be rewarded with a variety of things (parties, movies, etc.) for achieving their goals at the beginning, middle and end of the year. Our classroom teachers create incentives throughout the year to encourage their students to meet their yearly reading goals.
Here are some guidelines to help your child be successful:
1. DeMiguel students begin AR when they are established, independent readers. It is important that they only take tests on books that they have read. Students are cautioned about books read a long time ago. They are advised to reread the book to be sure that they remember all the important details in the book. Since the AR test is asking what they remember from the book, it is important that the book be in the students’ reading range. A student will not completely understand a book that is on a reading level that is too high.
2. Students should not to tell other people answers on the test. REMEMBER: The purpose of the test is to see how well each student comprehends the book read.
Parents and teachers are the key motivators and are essential to the success of the program. Please encourage your child to read daily and help them to develop and maintain the love of reading.
If you have any questions or concerns about the Accelerated Reader program, please call us! Together we can inspire your child to read more and become a lifetime reader.