8/23/2021 IEC Meeting Minutes


  1. Welcoming
  2. Roll Call  - Dianne, Missy, Ophelia, Aaron, Mike, Tammie. Call to order at 5:53pm.
  3. Approval of the Agenda - Aaron motions to approve with amendment, Mike seconds motion.
  4. Old Business 
    1. Boys with Braids (Mike) - No update
    2. Residential Schools (Mike) Tabled - Mike’s portion
    3. Mitigation and COVID - FUSD to meet with CSA of Kinalani dorm on Wednesday to discuss mitigation and communication with each other in regards to reporting.
    4. New Hires Update (Dianne)
      1. Elementary - six new employees.
      2. District Office - Interviews have been conducted. Pending the final process.
    5. JOM vs Title VI Board requirement discussion (Dianne) - Dianne will check if employees can be on the board for title VI and/or JOM. Possibly Title VI more so than JOM. To report back at the next meeting.
  5. New Business
    1. JOM Conference-
      1. Status of registration for attendees - Missy, Aaron, Michael, Dianne, Shannon, Michele, are confirming travel. Dianne to call Kim at Purchasing, and move forward to booking rooms and airline tickets, logistics of rental or transport from airline to hotel/conference (Shuttle/Rental of Van). Notes - Ophelia not attending due to conflict of interest with new position and project. Once Airline situated then let travelers know flight details for partner travel and flight planning.
      2. COVID-19 situation - In order to travel, must be vaccinated, must be pre-tested, and Conference assuring safety guidelines and not cancelling. Booster shot within the timeline if needed prior to traveling.
    2.  Chapter meetings over summer break - Status Update if anyone attended
      1. Navajo Nation back in “orange” status. Dianne will have Ella contact the chapter to request conference call information.
      2. Tolani Lake - Dianne/Ella attended the chapter meeting during 1st week of school. They covered the mitigation plan, hiring updates and shared contact info. They shared that there will be more info shared on open house.
      3. Cameron - no attendance
      4. Leupp - no attendance
      5. Birdsprings - no attendance
    3. 2021-22 Meeting Schedule
      1. NAPO meetings will be scheduled on Thursday evenings. IEC Board Meetings will be held on the 2nd and 4th Mondays each month. No meeting on Sept 27th (IEC will be at JOM conference).
  6. Discussion items for future meetings
    1. NAPO meeting update
    2. Soliciting new IEC Board Members
    3. Masks for Native students - Dianne will reach out to see if Darrell can request more masks; Aaron suggests contacting NACA if they can donate masks or funds (they have COVID funds available). Update at next meeting.
    4. Navajo Nation clothing program - Update at next meeting
    5. NAESP - more outreach to parents; have more parent involvement at meetings. Suggest adding IEC report to NAPO meeting (rotate between Board members).
    6. Suggestion to have Missy provide “IEC intro” on Blackboard.
  7. Closing Remarks
  8. Adjournment 
    1. Missy motions to adjourn; Tammie seconds. Adjourn at 7:48pm. Next meeting Monday Sept 13, 2021 at 5:30pm.