12/6/2021 IEC Meeting Agenda Minutes

  1. Welcoming
  2. Roll Call  - Tammy Begay, Mel Cody, Missy Descheenie, Jason Watchman, quorum met. Program staff: Hannah Sandoval, Admin Assistant.  Dianne Lomahaftewa-Albert, Program Coordinator
  3. Approval of the Agenda - Mel Cody motioned, Missy Descheenie 2nd. 4 in favor, motioned carried 
  4. Approval of Minutes - No Minutes ready to approve at this time.
  5. Old Business
    1. Establish new officers for vacant seats
      1. Vice President - Jason Watchman, Nominated by Mel Cody. Vote: 3 in favor, motion carried.
      2. Secretary - Pending the presence of additional officers 
  6. Establish Chapter House Assignments - Mileage is provided for in-person travel to chapter house.
    1. Leupp - Mel Cody
    2. Tolani Lake - Sherice Monroe
    3. Cameron - Jason Watchman 
    4. Bird Springs -  Tammie Begay
    5. Sub. - Missy Descheenie
  7. Update IEC Contact list in Google Drive
  8. Please provide your email, address, phone numbers, and any other contact information to the newly elected Secretary. (will be updated by NAESP Program staff for now. Tammie’s, no change, Mels is updated, Missy updated, Jason Watchman, up to date. 
  9. New Business
    1. Review Bylaws with members for motion on next agenda item 
    2. Review Indian Policies and Procedures – approve and submit to FUSD Governing School Board.
  10. Action Items
    1. Motion to approve By-Laws for 2021-2022 - Mel Cody makes motion, Tammie 2nd. 4 in favor, 0 abstain 0 no
    2. Motion to approve I.P.P for 2021-2022- IEC board work through email for consensus and vote on at 1/10/2022 Meeting.
    3. Request for Dual Enrollment increase from $135 to $180.00 per year, per student (Justification – increase in the cost of tuition). Threshold, is $180-$200. After X amount, the IEC Board will make decision for additional funds at the next regular meeting. Ex. $60 Middle School, for basic classes (What do these fees encumber?) MD. Suggest Max per semester to be paid for each student. Find out max allowed dual enrollment class per school year. Motion - Mel Cody motioned to increase the Dual enrollment limit to $180.00 , Tammie 2nd, 4 in favor 0 abstain. 0
  11. Future agenda items
  12. Closing remarks
    1. Next Meeting January 10th
    2. Get date for invite of JOM - 
    3. Team Building
    4. Detailed Budget Reports
  13. Adjourn - Mel Motion to adjourn, 2nd by Jason . 3 in favor 1 abstain, 0 nays.