Academics at Leupp Public School
Leupp Public School has adopted several research based programs to help our students excel to their highest potential. We utilize the following programs:
1. We are a No Excuses University School that believes in a quality education for all students.
Accelerated Reading - Is a program that tests students reading comprehension, first. Then suggests a zone of proximal development. (ZPD). The students then read within this suggested range and then progress as they master comprehension skills. This program is designed to help the children increase their independent reading level.
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3. Make a Choice to Make Your Day- This program is designed to help students take ownership of their behavior and learning.
4. RTI- (Response to Intervention)- This program is designed to help the struggling learner. We will evaluate data collected on each student and prove research bases strategies to help our students to increase their skills.
5. Differentiated Instruction- Lessons are designed to help all learners where they are presently learning at.