Medications at School

  • All medication for students must be kept in the nurses' office.  Please do not send any medication into school WITH a child. 

    My child needs to take medication every day at school.  How do I arrange this?.....

    1. Fill out the FORM "Request to administer medication at school".
         - form found on this web site under "FUSD Health service documents" tab or paper copy in the RN office
    2. Medication:
         - MUST be in it's original packaging with an Rx label from the pharmacy    
         - if it is an over-the-counter medication, it must be in medication's original packaging.
         - We can not take expired medication.  Please check the EXP date.  
    3. Drop off medication and form to the Nurse office between 8:15-3:30.  Please DO NOT send the medication in with the child.
    4. A message will be sent to your child's teacher to inform them about what time they need to come to the nurse's office daily.

    My child has Asthma and I want them to carry their inhaler with them  and not have it in Nurses office.  What do I do?......

    Students MAY carry EMERGENCY medication, such as inhalers.

    Your child is responsible for carrying his/her inhaler if....

    1. They can demonstrate to the nurse proper use.
    2. They know to take medication only as directed and not more frequently.
    3. They know to come see the nurse if their inhaler medication does not help them.
    4. You think they won't loose it.

    If So...

    1. Fill out the form, "Request for self administration of medication at school" form
            - found in the nurses' office
    2. Bring in medication in original packaging with Rx label- check expiration date
    3. Parents, child, and medication come to the office-students demonstrate proper use and forms are signed off.
    4. Have the Childs Doctor fill out an "Asthma Action Plan" form and return to RN.  Form found in RN office or MD has on form. 

    My child needs an EpiPen at school for his or her allergy.  What do I do?......

    1. Fill out the "Request to administer medication at school form" 
    2. EpiPen  - must be in the original packaging with child's Rx attached and NOT expired.
    3. Have the Child's Doctor fill out the "Food Allergy Action Plan" form for food allergy.
    4. If you are requesting the Cafeteria to make substitutions for your child, please talk to the Nurse.
    5. Bring form and EpiPen into the Nurse between 8:15-3:30.  DO NOT SEND AN EPIPEN with a CHILD.

    If you have any questions about procedures and paperwork, please feel free to call me (928) 773-4152.   Thanks.