Dress Code
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I would like to remind you of our dress code policy that has been established by Flagstaff Unified School District. We have been having some of our students come to school with clothing that displays the following items. We are asking for your support in helping us provide a safe and appropriate learning environment. Please do not allow your student(s) to come to school with the following items on their clothing or backpacks:
· illegal chemical /drugs
· violence and /or cruelty
· alcoholic beverage
· tobacco products
· obscenities
· nudity
· profanity or vulgarity
· racial, ethnic, sexual or religious prejudice
· no dress indicating gang affiliation
· bare midriffs or spaghetti straps
· no hats or hoods
· skeletons on any items
If they do arrive at school with these items on their clothing, they will be asked to turn that item of clothing inside out and/or parents will be called to bring new clothing to school for their student(s). Thank you for all your support in this matter and all you do to help our students learn while they are at school. If you have any concerns or comments, please contact me at (928) 686-6266 or stop by and visit with me.
Leupp Public School