• Punctual and regular attendance is very important to your child’s success in school. Regular attendance is one way to make success for each child a reality. All FUSD schools are required by law to keep an exact record of reasons for absences. If your child must be absent, please call the Thomas Absence Reporting Line, 928-773-4119 before 9:00 a.m. Please give the following information: Your name/relationship to child; Your child’s first and last name; Your child’s teacher and grade-level; The reason for the absence.


    School attendance is mandatory by law. Students may be excused for the following reasons: Medical provider excuse, death in the family, family emergency, religious commitment, diagnostic testing, school-sponsored activities, and extenuating circumstances or parental petitioned vacations agreed to by the school administration. Extended absences due to medical conditions must be reported to the school nurse at the student’s home school. Unexcused absences must be reported as required by state law and every 3 tardies adds up to one reported absence. Repeated late arrivals and early departures have a large impact on student success. Please do you best to make appointments outside of school hours if possible.


    In the interest of your child’s health and safety, it is important that we have up to date information about: • Parent/guardian’s name, home address and a working telephone/cell number. • The school office must have at least one working phone number on-file at all times along with the name and phone of at least one additional adult person who we can contact in case of emergency.


    Thomas Absence Reporting Line: 928-773-4119


    Things to Know About Attendance - IT MATTERS!


    • We need your help getting your student to school
    • Elementary attendance patterns can follow students into high school - Chronic absences (10 or more in a year) is the first warning sign of an increased risk of dropping out.
    • Too many absences lead to a higher risk for falling considerably behind their peers.
    • The more they are at school the more they will learn!
    • If your child is having trouble with wanting to come to school or if you need additional supports, please let your child's teacher or office know right away, so we can help!