• Library Policies

    library books

    The Library Media Center is open daily from 9:00am-3:10pm.
    Students are allowed to borrow books from the library on a regular basis.

    • Kindergartners and 1st grade students may check out one library book each time they visit the library as long as they have returned the one they borrowed during their previous visit.

    • Students in grades 2 through 5 may have 2 books checked out from the library at a time.

    • During the time students are involved in research projects or classroom literature studies, the 2 book policy is suspended to allow students to borrow additional materials in their area of research. 

    • It is the student's responsibility to return library materials on time.  If they don't, they will not be allowed to borrow other materials until they are returned.

    • If materials are lost or damaged, it will be necessary to pay for them before checking out new materials.

    Please help your child become a responsible library user by helping them remember to return their books on time and care for them properly.