• Welcome to the DeMiguel Library!
    library picture  
    The Scholastic Book Fair
    is coming to DeMiguel!
    (Support our school library)
    April 4th through April 8th
    Parent night Wedndesday, April 6th from 4 pm to 6:30 pm
    Sign your student up for ewallet! It is easy and convenient.
     Lobo Library
    Check out library books from: Flagstaff Public Library
    The goal of our school library is to encourage students to become life-long readers with advanced library skills, computer knowledge, and the ability to research any subject. Most importantly, we want our DeMiguel students to have a "love of reading," and respect for all books!
    DeMiguel's library serves over 550 pre-school through 5th grade students. Teachers, DeMiguel staff, and parents also have access to our school library. Children come to the library with their homeroom for scheduled library time every week. Along with regular class times, students can come to the library on their own for book selection, research, special projects, and computer use.
    The DeMiguel library has many programs and contests. We have the Million Word/ 100,000 Word program, a Winter Reading Challenge, a Bookmark Contest, and the Scholastic Book Fair every year.
    "If you don't like to read, you haven't found the right book" - J.K. Rowling
    Library Hours:
    Monday - Thursday: 8:15 AM - 3:30 PM
    Fridays: 8:15 AM - 12:30 PM
    Librarian: Leah Claypool
    Phone: 928.773.4019