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We are working hard to prevent bullying from happening at Puente de Hozho and feel like ours is a pretty safe school, but if you happen to encounter bullying please try some of the following suggestions or check out the Stop Bullying Now website for other helpful hints! And if all else fails, please make sure to talk to an adult you trust so she or he can help!
How to Bully-proof Yourself:
Stay with your friends. If you are with a group of friends, you are much less likely to be bullied.
Be assertive. Stand up straight and tall, look the bully in the eyes, and use a strong voice to say "STOP! That's bullying!"
Use humor. If someone is giving you a hard time and you feel comfortable doing so, use humor by saying something whacky that will throw them off. Some examples: "Oh yeah? Well I like bananas!" or "Aren't ice cream sundaes awesome?"
Avoid the bully. If you know who he/she is and where he/she hangs out, try to avoid the "problem" area.
Don't react. We know, adults always say "just ignore it" but that usually does not work. Instead, recognize the problem, stand up for yourself in a strong respectful way and walk away. Cry or scream later, when the bully can't see you. It makes things much less fun if he/she does not get a reaction out of you!
Talk to an adult. We recommend that you tell an adult at school if you or someone you know is bullied. If we don't know about it, we can't help you! Keep telling until someone helps.
Request a peer mediation. See Mrs. C for more details.
For more ideas and information check out this website: