• SoaRRR eagle


    PdH Eagles SoaRRR with Character

    Safe, Respectful, Responsible, Ready to Learn

    SoaRRR is our Positive Behavior Support program (PBS) at Puente de Hózhó.  All students learn the behavioral expectations for all areas of the school and are rewarded for good behavior.  Students may be "caught" SoaRRRing and handed a yellow SoaRRR ticket when they are displaying the desired behavior.  Tickets are placed in the SoaRRR box at the entryway of school.  At the end of each month, students are recognized in a school wide assembly for good behavior. 

    Tier 1:

    Students learn that our behavioral expectations are to be :




    Ready to Learn

    There are two categories in which students may "win" for SoaRRRing.

    • Student of the Month:  this is the recognition given to the student who earns the MOST SoaRRR tickets during the month.

    • Class/Grade of the Month:  this is recognition given to the class or grade of the month who earns the most SoaRRR tickets during the month.

    Students who receive these recognitions also earn special privileges listed below:

    Student of the Month:

    • Picture posted on the SoaRRR board at front of school

    • Guest speaker for morning announcements

    • Gift certificates to local restaurants

    Class of the Month:

    • Special privilege day of their choice (ie:  pajama day, hat day, no homework, etc)

    • Display of the original Eagle painting donated by local artist Timothy Row

    Tier 2: 


    Reflection Form


    Tier 2 Intervention Referral


    Tier 2 Contract


    Eagle Point Card