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Physical Education & Health

  • Physical Education classes at Summit High School provide students with the intrinsic motivation to obtain knowledge, habits, desire, and confidence to enjoy the rewards of healthy living for a lifetime while being physically competent.

    Explore P.E.

    This class introduces proper warm-ups, strength training, core training, drills, and game play. Students learn and participate in various sports and games like basketball, soccer, ultimate frisbee, and flag football. emphasis on skill training is offered within each sport. A strength and core circuit is built into the curriculum where students learn proper form and technique. Students are also taught academic content which include the benefits of being physically active and fit.

    Outdoor Fitness

    This class encourages and prepares students to develop skills for a lifetime of physical activity. It focuses on warm-up, strength training, core training, and outdoor games and activities.


    This class will cover the areas of overall health and wellness. Topics discussed include stress management, nutrition, drug and alcohol awareness, and physical fitness.


    Students learn about the basic principles of nutrition by examining the six essential nutrients and their role in the body. Through learning basic shopping guidelines, calorie calculations, and how to read nutrition labels, students will be able to make healthy choices when it comes to eating at home.