• Student Supports 

    2024-2025 school year.

    Our administration and faculty believe that it is our responsibility to offer a variety of support for students’ success in school.  These supports can include academic, social, and emotional.  We are committed to supporting all students in reaching their full potential at Mount Elden Middle School.  

    FUSD has adopted restorative justice/practices districtwide.  What is restorative justice/practices?  The restorative approach to positive school culture and discipline is based on a set of guiding principles for the school community, which sees relationships as central to learning, growth, and an inclusive, respectful school culture. It is a paradigm shift from traditional rule-based, punitive discipline systems. It is not a program, curriculum, or specific activity.  

    Mount Elden Middle School is in the second year of implementation.  All staff at MEMS will be trained by the end of this school year; however, we will be implementing the practices in our classrooms and throughout the school (all year). What might it look like for your student?

    • Posters in each learning space have restorative language and questions posted for all to review and refer to when having restorative conversations.
    • Teachers will have restorative conversations with students to assist them in understanding their role in the school community.
    • Connection circles, problem solving circles, proactive circles

    There were several issues identified last school year that created barriers to student success.  Problem solving circles will be used during T-Bird time to address these (and other) specific issues:

    • Tardies:
      • Students who are tardy to the same class three or more times.
    • IPADS charged and brought to school daily. 
    • Being prepared and committed to learning

    Students will be invited to participate in a problem-solving circle to identify the barriers that are caused by the specific issues impacting their progress. In the problem solving circles, students will identify solutions and support. Circles will be facilitated by trained staff.