Rebecca Baca, BSN, RNC-NIC
Mount Elden Middle School Nurse
Office Hours 7:50am-1:00 pm 1:30pm-2:20pm (closed for lunch 1:00-1:30)Please keep your child home if they are experiencing the following symptoms:
*If your child has a fever of 100 degrees or higher. They may return once they are fever free for 24 hours (without Tylenol/Motrin).
*If your child experiences diarrhea/vomiting within the last 24 hours. They may return once they no longer have diarrhea/vomiting for a full 24 hours.
*If your child has "heavy" nasal congestion or a deep cough, with or without a fever.
*If any unexplained rash accompanied by a fever is present.
Please send a water bottle with your child every day.
Thank you!Medication at School
Prescription medication and over-the-counter (OTC) medication that needs to be taken during school hours are administered by the school nurse. Exceptions to this may be emergency medication. Consult with the school nurse on this. A parent's signed consent is required for prescription and OTC medications. Both prescription and OTC medications are accepted only in the original container with a proper pharmacy label.
Reference: FUSD Policy 5-404
Legal References: ARS §15-344; 32-1601; 32-1901