
    Sinagua Middle School Athletics 

    Fall Sports (Cross Country, Boys' Soccer, Girls' Volleyball) begin Monday, August 19. All registrations are due Friday, August 16.


    SMS Athletics Registration Deadlines and Season Dates 24-25


    Needed Registration Documents

    24-25 Sports Physical Form 15.7A

    24-25 Sports Physical Form 15.7B

    Athletic Participation Requirements 

    Do these three things by the registration deadline above.

    1. Register for the sport(s) of your choice, by the Registration Deadline for the specific sport. Go to RegisterMyAthlete.com
    2. Get a Sports Physical, by the Registration Deadline for the specific sport. Go to your Primary Care Doctor, one of two NextCare Urgent Care’s in Flagstaff (locations in the physical packet). 
    3. Pay the Athletic Fee ($60 per year, for as many sports as your child wants to play), by the Registration Deadline for the specific sport. At the bookstore once school begins. Or pay online here.



    Academic Eligibility Requirement

    Grade checks are done every Friday before games. If a student has a 1 in any class, then they will not be able to participate in games or practice until the grade(s) are improved.

    Student Transportation

    All athletes and their families must ensure transportation from SMS by 4:15 pm on practice days.  Either through activity buses or parent pick-up. Transportation will be provided for games that take place at others schools, but this is a one-way trip.  Athletes and their families need to be picked-up after any meets or games held off of the SMS campus. 

    Personal Items Disclosure 

    You should never leave money or other valuable items in the locker room. The school is not responsible for, and cannot replace, stolen items. Valuables may be left locked in the coach's office or in the main office safe.