Transition from School to Work Program
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Parent / Guardian & Student Resources
**We do not endorse the following websites or resources, nor are they meant to be an exhaustive list; they are simply for use as reference points when planning transition services.****Para traducir esta información al español, haga clic en "Translate" en la parte superior derecha de la página.**
State Agency Websites
(The main page contains links at the bottom for students, parents and professionals, in addition to links for additional resources and events)
(The Center for Disability Law is a non-profit public interest law firm dedicated to protection and advocacy for individuals with disabilities)
- Division of Behavioral Health Services (DBHS)
(A state agency that can provide resources/services to people with Mental Illness)
(A state agency that can provide resources/services to people with Developmental Disabilities)
(Training and information provided to parents, children, and young people with special health care needs, as well as the professionals who serve them)
(A state agency that can provide services to individuals with disabilities to help them achieve gainful employment)
(Assists people with disabilities to secure and maintain long term, meaningful employment.
Candy Kazpryk, 2323 N. Walgreens St. Suite 104, Flagstaff, AZ 86004 (928)774-4147)
Disability & Transition Recources
(This manual contains information for individuals with disabilities and their family members about various legal options, including Transfer of Rights. It is in pdf format and there are English and Spanish versions)
(Whether you are a career seeker starting a job search or an employer looking for quality employees, the Career Center offers programs connecting you to the workforce)
(An organization dedicated to improving outcomes for students and youth with disabilities by joining state agencies and stakeholders through shared work and learning)
- National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth (NCWD/Youth)Direct link to Resources page
(A source for information about employment and youth with disabilities. Making the connection between Youth with Disabilities and Employment)
(HCIC offers northern Arizona AHCCCS members with serious mental illness enhanced access to integrated behavioral and acute providers, dedicated coordination of care, and improved quality outcomes)
(Provides, develops and manages behavioral health care for Northern Arizona)
(A dissemination center that provides information on disabilities in children and youth, programs and services for infants, children and youth with disabilities, IDEA, No Child Left Behind and research-based information on effective practices for children with disabilities)
- National Youth Leadership Network (NYLN)
- (The National Youth Leadership Network is dedicated to advancing the next generation of disability leaders)
Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
(This is a link to a document called, “Transition of Students with Disabilities to Postsecondary Education: A Guide for High School Educators”. It highlights the differences that students with disabilities can expect between high school and college - i.e., IDEA vs. ADA)
(U.S. Department of Labor website that provides information on key attributes and characteristics of workers and occupations. Select the skills you have or will learn, click for list of occupations matching your skills)
(A not-for-profit corporation, Quality Connections provides support and employment services to individuals with disabilities in order to increase independence and participation in their community)
(A non-profit organization dedicated to improving educational and employment outcomes for people with disabilities)
(Provides online information, support and professional development on topics related to transition from school to adult life for youth with disabilities)
Assessment Resources
(This program is designed to help students learn more about themselves and the world of work, identify and explore potentially satisfying occupations and develop an effective strategy to realize their goals)
(Provides educational, career, and occupational information to help all students in making better-informed career and school choices. Free to Arizona Residents. To request a user name and password, call 602-542-5352)
(A link to a Toolkit developed by the Colorado Department of Education that provides information and tools necessary in creating a comprehensive and individualized transition process. Modules in the Toolkit include Transition Planning Basics, various assessments, IEP development using the collected information, tools for students, teachers/transition team and parents)
(This website provides resources and tools to assist in identifying the interests, preferences, strengths and needs of students with IEPs so students will be better prepared for employment, further education and independent living)
(Online resource for FREE online practice tests, including ASVAB, SAT, PSAT, ACT, etc.)
(The SIS evaluates practical support requirements of a person with an intellectual disability through a positive and thorough interview process)
- Virginia Department of Education - Assessment Matrix
(A matrix that lists sampling of different assessments that can be used when planning transition services. The matrix includes the name of the assessment, which area of transition planning it pertains to (i.e., employment, education/training, independent living/community participation), what age group or grade level the assessment is appropriate for, whether it is a web-based assessment and the publisher’s contact information)
- Zarrow Center for Learning Enrichment
(This center facilitates successful secondary and postsecondary educational, vocational and personal outcomes for students and adults with disabilities)
Link to AIR Self-Determination Assessment)
Assistive Technology
(Funded by the US Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, AZTAP is dedicated to increasing the availability and use of assistive technology devices for all individuals with disabilities in Arizona)
Employment Assistance
(U.S. Department of Labor website that provides information on careers (i.e., skills necessary, videos, etc.). Have your skills matched to occupations, or check skills required for an occupation)