• Title I Services in Killip Elementary School

    What is Title I?

    Title I is the largest federally funded program for elementary and secondary education. Title I funding helps schools provide equal educational opportunities for low-performing students in schools with economic need. FUSD Elementary schools with 40% or more students eligible for free or reduced lunch receive Title I funds. The goal of Title I is to enable all students to be on grade level in reading and math and to meet State Standards


    FUSD’s Title I program serves students in grades K-5. Title I provides both reading and math support to identified schools. Title I instruction in these schools supplements regular classroom instruction. All of FUSD’s Title I schools operate a schoolwide Title I program model, which provides schools with the flexibility to focus on a school’s overall educational program to raise academic achievement for ALL students.


    What Title I programs are districtwide?


    ·       Professional development for teachers and staff


    ·      The Family Resource Center


    o   Free tutoring


    o   Parenting classes and resources


    o   Computer lab and classes


    o   English Classes


    ·         Summer programs- Math Camp and Club Read


    ·         Reading specialists


    ·         Homeless services


    What does Title I provide Killip?


    ·        Instructional Specialists and paraprofessionals


    ·         Intersession and summer camp teachers and aides


    ·         Home-school and parent involvement coordinators


    ·         Professional development for teachers and staff (conferences and training)


    ·         Family involvement activities


    ·         iPads, apps, and other technology


    ·         Classroom supplies and books


    ·        Title I Services Spanish