
    Welcome to Learning, Technology & Innovation

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    • The Learning, Technology Innovation department is committed to working in collaboration with all departments and schools to provide, promote, and monitor high-quality professional learning that increases the effectiveness & capacity of instructional and non-instructional personnel throughout our District, in order to foster a culture of excellence for all students. 

      The AZ Technology Standards, ISTE Essential Conditions, UDL Framework, Restorative Practice Framework, FUSD Strategic Plan and the TEI drive professional learning for FUSD. Technology, Learning & Innovation is structured to incorporate all aspects of educational technology and is committed to helping students, teachers, and administrators effectively use technology in their school environments for learning in the modern world.

    For questions and/or additional information, please contact:

    Dawn Anderson, Director of Learning

    Heather Zeigler, Assistant Director of Learning, Technology & Innovation

    Renda Fisk, Coordinator of Learning, Technology & Innovation