Wells, Sheryl
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STEM Integration

Phone: 928-773-4080 ext 2426
Degrees and Certifications:
Degrees: Bachelor of Arts in Education (Elementary) Master of Education in Reading and Learning Disabilities Master of Education in Bilingual/Multicultural Education Master of Education in Educational Technology Certifications: National Board Certified - Generalist/Early Childhood Arizona Teaching Certificates - Elementary Education & Special Education
Mrs. Wells
Mrs. Wells has enjoyed working at Killip for over 20 years. After spending many years as a first grade teacher, Mrs. Wells became a technology integration coach and Killip's STEM Coordinator. She loves assisting students with communicating, collaborating, being creative, and using critical thinking skills as they use STEM throughout the day and various subject areas. When Mrs. Wells is not at school, she is usually out exploring the world with her husband.
During our remote learning time in 2020 and 2021, we created a Google Website to assist families with accessing resources for learning and home and seeing messages from their teachers. This site is located at https://bit.ly/KillipLearningatHome. Although the messages are outdated now, there are several STEM websites to visit, along with PE, Art, Music, Math, Reading & Writing, Social Studies, Listening, Mindfulness & Relaxation, and Cooking and Nutrition resources.