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5th Graders Begin Lunch with an Expert Series
The idea started with a conversation during a collaborative team (CT) meeting and has become a reality thanks to the help of our staff and community. Brigid Dineen, from STEM City, came over and assisted as the fifth grade teachers, instructional specialist, and STEM team members sat down to brainstorm. Our first expert to come in September was John Penna with Search and Rescue.
We filled all of the tables in the STEM lab with students interested in spending their lunchtime learning more about Search and Rescue. We also learned more about our staff. Our nurse Geri Finch is part of the team too.Our third grade teachers heard Mr. Penna was coming in and he was kind enough to speak to their students as well. They were studying heroes. John agreed to speak as long as they understood that it takes the whole team to do what they do and he would consider the team the hero when it comes to Search and Rescue.
We plan to continue to team up with community members to bring in more experts in STEM-related fields to share their knowledge and experiences with our fifth graders through the Lunch with an Expert series.
Students will be sharing what they learn during the Lunch with an Expert series in various ways. This month two students assisted in making a podcast to share what they learned. You will find the link to the podcast below this article.
Lunch with an Expert - Search and Rescue Podcast
by on 9/24/2018 Length: 2:30On Friday, September 14, 2018, John Penna of Coconino County Search and Rescue became our first expert to discuss STEM-related careers and volunteer options to our fifth grade students. This first podcast shares John's view of the day and just a brief taste of what two of our fifth grade students took away from the experience.
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Contact Us
Killip STEM Office
928-773-4080 Ext 2422Sheryl Wells
STEM Coordinator
Joe Gutierrez