Below you will find a link to a survey for a research project called “Project Soar: Engaging Culturally Responsive Pedagogy of Relations.” As a valued member of the Flagstaff High School community, you are being invited to contribute to the research. Community educators along with professors from Northern Arizona University (NAU), have been collaborating with parents, counselors, staff, administration, and Indian Education personnel from the Flagstaff Unified School District (FUSD), including Flagstaff High School (FHS)and Kinlani Bordertown Dormitory staff to determine how to engage this important research. As a research team, we have received FUSD Institutional Review Board approval to conduct this research. Here is a brief explanation of the project.
In addition to the survey and interviews, teachers will be identified in the school to take part in in-class observations. The research team will conduct in-class observations, evaluating culturally responsive pedagogical practices in order to have cross-analysis between the surveys and interviews.
Please read the following pages to learn more about the project. Further, feel free to contact Dr. Christine Lemley at NAU (928-523-5567, should you have any questions or comments. We welcome your feedback and look forward to working with you to continue to maintain conducive educational environments in which all of our students may thrive to their fullest potential.
Warm regards,
Christine Lemley, PhD
Northern Arizona University
College of Education