• Coconino Beach Volleyball

Coco Beach Volleyball
  • Head Coach - Scott Dendy (sdendy@fusd1.org

    Assistant Coach - Marty Mortensen


    *If you would like to support our program through Tax Credit, tell CHS you want your tax credit donation to go to the "Sand Volleyball program." Select the link for more information


  • Beach Volleyball

    Scan the QR Code to join our Preseason Volleyball group in the Band App

    ***this is how we will communicate with athletes up until spring tryouts***



    Mondays & Wednesdays (starting 11/13):

    • Outside 2:50-4:15 (weather permitting)

    • Weight room 3:45-4:30 (IF we can’t go outside because of weather)


    • Weight room 11:40-12:30



    When - Monday February 10th. Starts at 2:50 pm - 4:30.

    Where - CHS Beach Courts (head straight back past the baseball & softball fields)

    What I need:

         * COMPLETELY CLEARED THROUGH registermyathlete.com BEFORE TRYOUTS.

         * Make sure you are in the CocoBeach Preseason BAND group (qr above) for updates.

         * Wear layers, socks/shoes, beanie, sunglasses, sunscreen

         * Bring your best effort and attitude - this is a competitive, cut sport.