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Camp Iwannago Registration live now!
Registration for our annual summer camp, Camp Iwannago, is live now!
Register your campers here.
We are going to offer swim lessons once again this summer. Lessons will start June 10th, and go for three week sessions on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings. These are on a first come, first served basis, and students must be registered in Camp Iwannago to attend. Campers will need to be enrolled each day of the lessons, otherwise students who are enrolled each day will have priority of attendance. Register here.
Finally, as with every summer, we will be embarking on some amazing field trips to explore what makes Flagstaff and Northern Arizona such a beautiful, amazing, and fun place to call home.
Check back regularly for those upcoming field trips. They will be posted toward the end of May on our Camp Iwannago Add-Ons Page. Check back regularly for updates!
Child Care Tax Statements
Child Care tax statements should be ready to go for calendar year 2024.
If you need help printing them off, check out this link here: Eleyo Child Care Tax Statements
FACTS Mission Statement
The mission of the FACTS program is to provide fun, safe, and enriching opportunities that will enable every individual to grow.
FACTS Registration for 2024-2025 is now open!
You will be notified as your registration is approved or if you've been put on a wait-list, keep in touch with the FACTS Supervisor at your contracted sites for this information.
(Contracts will be accepted as staffing allows, services are first come/first served)
Killip and Leupp Registrations: https://fusd1.ce.eleyo.com/child-care/8/killip-kinsey-and-leupp-afterschool
All other FUSD Elementary Schools: https://fusd1.ce.eleyo.com/child-care/1/facts

FACTS Site Newsletters
(newsletters open in a new tab when clicked)
Cromer FACTS February Newsletter
DeMiguel FACTS February Newsletter
Killip FACTS Winter Newsletter
Kinsey FACTS February Newsletter
Knoles FACTS February Newsletter
Leupp FACTS February Newsletter
Marshall FACTS January Newsletter
Sechrist FACTS September Newsletter
FACTS Activity Schedules
(schedules open in a new tab after clicking on them)
Cromer FACTS Activity Schedule
DeMiguel FACTS Activity Schedule
Killip FACTS Activity Schedule
Kinsey FACTS Activity Schedule
Knoles FACTS Activity Schedule
Marshall FACTS Activity Schedule
Tax Statement for Child Care
For instructions on downloading your tax statement for child care, click here.