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IB Homework Expectations and Responsibilities
School Responsibilities:
- Ensure collaboration and awareness on teachers’ part of student workloads in the DP including course homework, CAS, and the EE (create a collaborative calendar for teacher use)
- Provide opportunities for students to learn time management and organization regarding homework and study
- Ensure that teachers are trained in the common expectations of homework in the DP
- Provide opportunities for parent, student, and teacher feedback on homework practices
Teacher Responsibilities:
- Regularly maintain a shared, planned calendar of student homework (including the Internal Assessment, CAS, and EE deadlines) to balance student workload, The purpose of this is to ensure students are not overloaded
- Reinforce habits of time management and organization by explicitly teaching students how to become and stay organized in homework
- Collaborate with students to assign relevant and meaningful homework
- Provide meaningful, criterion-referenced feedback to students and parents about homework
Student Responsibilities:
- Plan and organize their time to ensure their ability to meet homework expectations
- Communicate with their teachers and/or the Diploma Programme Coordinator when there are challenges and issues with completing homework or managing time
- Collaborate with teachers and peers to shape homework expectations
- Employ effective time management skills to meet deadlines
- Work in teams to encourage peers and reinforce accountability in their efforts
Rev. 1/14/2020