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IB Inclusion Policy
Coconino High School strives to provide access and equity to all learners. We embrace learners of all backgrounds and work to provide every opportunity and support necessary to further student learning.
State and Federal Law
Inclusion, accommodations, and modifications for learning needs are based on student 504 and IEPs per state and federal law. Coconino High School, therefore, follows district policy and practices for the development and implementation of 504 and IEP accommodation and services plans.
As IB is an international organization, its schools are located in many different countries, and these countries often have different legal and cultural practices when it comes to educating students with exceptional needs. In the United States, much of modern special education law is derived from Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Individuals with Disabilities Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA). The educational implications of these acts are summarized below.
Section 504
- This is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in any programs that receive federal funding.
- Schools must provide a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment.
- Requires the development of a 504 Accommodation Plan.
- Students who are not eligible to receive services under IDEA may qualify for services under Section 504.
- Federal funding is provided to states to ensure that children with specific disabilities, ages 3 through 21, will have access to a free appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment.
- An Individual Education Plan will be created for eligible students, with active involvement from their parents and teachers.
Universal Design for Learning
Universal Design for Learning is a best practice to support all learners and meet them where they learn best. This means ensuring teachers are trained in allowing for student variability in the UDL Guidelines:
- Provide Multiple Means of Engagement
- Provide options for self-regulation
- Provide options for sustaining effort and persistence
- Provide options for recruiting interest
- Provide Multiple Means of Representation
- Provide options for comprehension
- Provide options for language, mathematical expressions, and symbols
- Provide options for perception
- Provide Multiple Means of Action and Expression
- Provide options for executive functions
- Provide options for expression and communication
- Provide options for physical action
School Responsibilities
- Provide systems and structures to implement FAPE
- Submit 504 and IEP accommodations to the IB for use on IB exams
- Ensure teachers are trained in best practices for implementation of IEP and 504 accommodations and modifications
- Ensure teachers are trained in best practices for Universal Design for Learning
Counselor Responsibilities
- Write 504 plans in collaboration with parents, students, and other staff
- Ensure teachers are aware of a student’s 504 accommodation plan through a 504 meeting
Case Manager Responsibilities
- Write annual IEPs
- Communicate with all staff, parents, and students for accommodations
- Work with the DP Coordinator to request accommodations for IB/AP/ACT/etc. exams
- Monitor progress of students with IEPs on their goals
Teacher Responsibilities
- Implement IEPs and 504s with fidelity
- Provide feedback to help write student IEP goals
- Report to Case Manager on student success with accommodations
- Use best practices for Universal Design for Learning
Parent Responsibilities
- Ensure the school has all relevant documentation of a student’s needs
- Communicate with teachers, case managers, and counselors if there are concerns about the student’s needs
Student Responsibilities
- Advocate for their needs with their teachers, counselors, and case managers