Page Navigation
- Welcome
- Academic Departments
- Advanced Placement (AP)
- Fine Art
- Career and Technical Education
- Coconino Institute of Technology (CIT)
- CocoNuts FIRST Robotics Team
- Dual Enrollment (DE)
- Honors
- International Baccalaureate (IB)
- Link Leadership
- Student Council
Reporting Grades Expectations and Responsibilities
School Responsibilities:
- Ensure that parents and students know that course transcript grades are different from examination grades for the IBO
- Provide a platform for teachers to use to report grades
- Follow district and state guidelines for reporting grades and credit on student transcripts
Teacher Responsibilities:
- Follow district expectations for reporting grades at progress periods
- Maintain a regularly updated grade book per district guidelines
Student Responsibilities:
- Communicate any reporting inaccuracies to their teachers and the school office staff
Rev. 1/14/2020