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Automotive Technologies
Auto Mechanics I CT53A/B
Grades: 10 -12 College Prep: Yes Credit: 1.0 Duration: 1 year Fee: $40.00
Auto I is a course designed to introduce students to the automotive field. Auto I is designed for students gain skills to be used toward higher level classes or at home repairs. Throughout the year students will learn how to properly maintain a vehicle and work toward repairs that can be done at home. This class will also look into the different theories on how automotive systems work.
Auto Mechanics/Technology II (with Dual Enrollment option) CT54A/B
Grades: 10 -12 College Prep: Yes Credit: 1.0 Duration: 1 year Fee: $40.00
Automotive II is focused on expanding from Auto I with advanced diagnostics and troubleshooting. Students will be working with project cars as well as lab based projects. Students will be introduced to axles, transmissions, engine performance, etc. This class is based on NATEF (National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation) curriculum designed to prepare students for a career in the automotive field. This is a dual enrollment course. We partner with CCC allowing students to earn college credit.
Auto Mechanics/Technology III (with Dual Enrollment option) CT55A/B
Grades: 11 -12 College Prep: Yes Credit: 1.0 Duration: 1 year Fee: $40.00
This course is a continuation of Automotive Technology 2. This course will focus on advanced projects, diagnosis, and troubleshooting. This class is designed for students who want to pursue a career in the automotive field or want to continue to expand their knowledge of automotive technology. This class is based on NATEF (National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation) curriculum designed to prepare students for a career in the automotive field. This is a dual enrollment course. We partner with CCC allowing students to earn college credit.
Fabrication Design Auto Fusion CT58A/B
Grades: 11 -12 College Prep: Yes Credit: 1.0 Duration: 1 year Fee: $40.00
This course allows the serious student who is interested in automotive design and fabrication to take a hands-on role in fabricating, body working, metal working and building cars. Students will be receiving skills that are not covered in normal automotive classes. This class is only offered in the evening.
Automotive Technology IV - Internship CT87A/B
Grades: 12 College Prep: Yes Credit: 1.0 Duration: 1 year Fee:
Automotive Technology IV – Internship provides CTE students an opportunity to engage in learning through participation in a structured work experience that can either be paid or unpaid and does not necessarily require classroom instruction that involves the application of previously developed Automotive Technologies knowledge and skills. Prerequisites: Autos I, II, and III