Title I

  • Title I is the nation's largest federally-funded education program, supplementing regular classroom learning for struggling students.  Title I-A in ESEA is focused on reading and math achievement, although other subject areas and programs are sometimes included as well.  Title I-A works to support activities to change the total school culture to one of continuous progress and improvement for all students.  Schools receiving Title I services in FUSD include:

    • Cromer
    • Killip
    • Kinsey
    • Leupp
    • Marshall
    • Puente de Hozho             
    • Thomas

    Services vary between schools, but may include:

    • intensive math or reading instruction through RTI (Response to Intervention);
    • technology support in computer labs and classrooms;
    • before or after-school tutoring;
    • summer and intersession classes;
    • family involvement programs and activities;
    • ongoing professional development for staff.