Systems Administration
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Employee Online Information
All team members now have access to W-2 forms for the 2020 calendar year. This year’s documents may appear different due to the implementation of our new financial reporting system mid-year. This means that some employees may need to access the tax period of January 2020 through June 2020 through Visions here with July 2020 through December 2020 through Business Plus here.
Each team member should check both systems to ensure they have tax information for the entire year. If you have two W-2’s, both still need to be submitted as part of your tax filings.
If you have questions regarding your W-2 documents, please contact the below payroll team members using the first letter of your last name.
- A-Z Theresa Ruiz 928-527-6054
- G-M Linda Romero 928-527-6053
- N-Z Susan Clark 928-527-6052
We apologize for the inconvenience this year and look forward to a streamlined process next year.
Information for the use of Employee Online at FUSD
Employee Online is the system used by HR and Payroll for employees to view their HR/PY information and view their paycheck information.
Some users are seeing issues with logging onto Employee Online (EO). These are the result of stricter rules to prevent others from accessing your EO information. The system is designed so you must log off then close the browser to ensure your session is not active for someone else on the computer. If this is not done Eo sometimes will not allow you to login.
Make sure you are using the new EO address at: Replace any bookmarks with the new address. There will be issues if you attempt to go to old address then the new address.
Typically, the solution for most of these issues is to clear your cache, cookies, etc. Here is a nice article with instructions for each browser.,2817,2480401,00.asp
Often opening EO with a different browser will resolve the issue.