Exceptional Student Services (Special Education)
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The Exceptional Student Services Department has submitted applications for the following grants for the 2021-2022 school year. Further information regarding these grants may be provided upon request.
- IDEA Basic (Arizona Department of Education)
Status: Approved
The continued goal of the IDEA Basic Entitlement application is to assist our district in providing a free, appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment setting for students. It provides numerous support services which assist special education students in acquiring general education curriculum. Most of the funding is used for instructional and instructional support services, with the majority of funds used for salaries. IDEA Basic funds are also used to fund a portion of FUSD's Response to Intervention Program, which operates in all elementary schools.
- IDEA Preschool (Arizona Department of Education)
Status: Approved
The IDEA Preschool grant funds 1.0 FTE Special Needs Preschool Teacher in the Flagstaff Unified School District. FUSD Special Needs Preschools provide instruction to students ages 3-5 who qualify for special education services. Typically developing peer role models are also enrolled in these classes on a parent-paid tuition basis. This grant will also provide funding for instructional supplies/materials for these programs, registration/travel for professional development opportunities, and iPads for use by special needs preschool students.
- Navajo Preschool (Arizona Department of Education)
Status: Approved
Leupp Public School, an FUSD school located on the Navajo reservation, has a preschool program which offers a continuum of services for students and families with special education needs. The Navajo Preschool Grant funds a portion of the special education preschool teacher's salary serving Leupp Preschool students.
- IDEA Basic (Arizona Department of Education)