Accommodating Special Dietary Needs

  • We want to keep all children safe and healthy. If your student has a special dietary need, please read below. 

    FUSD must provide modifications for children with disabilities on a case-by-case basis, only when requests are supported by a written statement from a State licensed healthcare professional. (In Arizona these professionals are listed as: Dentists, Homeopathic Physicians, Naturopathic Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Osteopathic Physicians, Physician Assistants, and Physicians.)

    Click here for a Medical Statement you may use: Medical Statement form

     The medical statement must include the following:

    • Information about the child's physical or mental impairment that is sufficient to allow FUSD to understand how it restricts the child's diet;
    • An explanation of what must be done to accommodate the child;
    • The food or foods to be omitted and recommended alternatives, if appropriate. 

    In the case of food allergies, this means identifying the food or foods to be omitted and recommending alternatives. In other cases, more information may be required. For example, if the child would require caloric modifications or the substitution of a liquid nutritive formula to accommodate a disability, this information must be included in the statement.

    The medical statement should be shared with both your school nurse as well as food service personnel:

    Taryn Kunkel-Lykins, Food Service Director
    3285 E Sparrow Avenue, Flagstaff, AZ  86004 or fax (928) 527-6098

    Contact your school nurse with questions or concerns.

    According to the ADA, most physical and mental impairments will constitute a disability. This includes conditions that impair immune, digestive, neurological and bowel functions, as well as many others. General health concerns, such as a parent's preference that a child eat a gluten-free diet because the parent believes it is healthier for the child, are not disabilities and do not require a modification. All disability considerations must be viewed on a case-by-case basis. A more comprehensive discussion can be found on page 5 of the USDA memo (9/26/17) attached here:

    Memo from USDA (4/25/17) on Accommodating Disabilities in the School Meal Programs: Guidance and Questions and Answers (Q&As) can be downloaded here:

    Contact your school nurse with questions or concerns.