Native American Education Support Program
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What is the Johnson O'Malley Program
The Johnson O'Malley Program is a federal program that provides educational assistance to Native American students. It was originally established in 1934 to provide financial assistance for Native American students to attend school. Today, the program provides a range of services that are culturally enriched language programs. The program is designed to help Native American students overcome the challenges they face in education and achieve their full potential.
Bureau of Indian Education Johnson O’Malley Program (BIE-JOM)
Johnson O’Malley (JOM) is a federally funded program and is authorized to provide services by the Johnson O’Malley Act of 1934. In 1958, Public Law 81-874, administered through the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, was amended to include educational assistance to American Indian children. This Act authorizes contracts for the subsidized education of eligible American Indian and Alaska Native students; varied programming may include, culture, language, academics and dropout prevention. Funds may not be utilized for capitol expenditures. An educational plan, approved by the BIE, contains educational objectives to address the needs of the eligible student(s). Eligible applicants for JOM partnership and funding are school districts, tribal organizations, or states with eligible American Indian and Alaska Native children attending their schools.
Navajo Nation Johnson O’Malley Plan of Operation; Section II: Purpose (NN-JOM)
The Department of Johnson-O'Malley provides supplemental funding, pursuant to 25 CFR Part 273-Johnson-O'Malley Program for eligible Native American students in public schools, tribal organizations, Indian corporation and previously private schools with unique and specialized educational supports and opportunities i.e. substance abuse counseling, teacher assistants, tutoring program, home school liaison, summer schools, curriculum development, Navajo language/culture enrichment, and other necessary supplemental programs.
These programs are implemented with active parental involvement through subcontracts to establish a local Indian Education Committee (IEC) as provided for by 25 CFR Section 273.16, (and related provisions thereof) to conduct needs assessments, planning, development, implementation and evaluation.
Flagstaff Unified School District (FUSD1) Johnson O’Malley Program
The Navajo Nation Johnson O’Malley Program office contracts with FUSD1 to provide JOM programming. Two requirements for implementation are the establishment of an Indian Education Committee (IEC) and that an Education Plan is created and accepted by the Navajo Nation JOM program. This Education Plan has goals and objectives to meet five support service components, which are developed by utilizing an assessment that is completed each year, IEC school visits, input from parents, and data from district report(s). Our students, parents, teachers, and schools benefit from the JOM program.
Eligibility for FUSD1 JOM
Enrolled FUSD1 students Pre Kindergarten through Grade 12
Students and/or Parents membership in a federally recognized tribe.
Copy of student certificate of tribal membership must be on file in the NAESP office and schools.
Our program adheres to & implements the JOM Education Plan.
The following are available by request from the JOM Program:
♦Cultural and linguistically relevant resources, materials & artifacts.
♦Cultural Presentation by Consultants.
♦Cultural Food Demonstrations by Consultants.
♦College and Career Readiness
♦Student Leadership
♦Student field trips at 20% overall
2025 NN JOM Program Subcontractor Application Forms 4.23.2024.xlsx - JOM-06-4.pdf 123.84 KB (Last Modified on July 25, 2024) -
24-25 FUSD JOM Education Plan - PARENTAL COSTS
2025 NN JOM Program Subcontractor Application Forms 4.23.2024.xlsx - JOM-06-3.pdf 111.58 KB (Last Modified on July 25, 2024) -
2025 NN JOM Program Subcontractor Application Forms 4.23.2024.xlsx - JOM-06-2.pdf 114.86 KB (Last Modified on July 25, 2024) -
2025 NN JOM Program Subcontractor Application Forms 4.23.2024.xlsx - JOM-06-1.pdf 163.35 KB (Last Modified on July 25, 2024)