McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Services

McKinney Vento
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  • If you have lost your housing due to a family crisis, unemployment, an eviction, or financial issues, you may be eligible for services under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, which protects children and youth who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime accommodation by providing additional rights and educational support services.

    You may be eligible for services if you are:

    • Temporarily sharing housing with another family due to loss of housing or financial hardship
    • In a motel or hotel due to lack of adequate accommodations
    • In an emergency or transitional shelter
    • In a car, park, campground, public space or abandoned building
    • In substandard housing (e.g. housing that lacks electricity, water or heat)
    • An unaccompanied youth who is not living with a parent/legal guardian and is experiencing homelessness

    FUSD McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Program Services you may qualify for include:

    • Assistance with immediate school enrollment, free breakfast & lunch & transportation to school
    • School supplies
    • McKinney-Vento Clothing Bank located at the Family Resource Center (4000 N. Cummings Street - housed within Summit High School)
    • Clothing & toiletry items
    • Shower & laundry facilities at the Family Resource Center for eligible FUSD homeless families
    • Referrals to community agencies that assist with housing, food, health services, immunizations, counseling, etc.
    • K-12 tutoring at the Family Resource Center

    Enrolling Students Experiencing Homelessness

    Schools CANNOT refuse to enroll a homeless student for lack of records (e.g., school records, transcript, IEP, MET, birth certificate or immunization records) or proof of a home address.  The McKinney-Vento law requires that homeless students be enrolled immediately.  School personnel are to enroll and have students attend school while records are requested.

    If you believe you qualify for the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Program or know of a student who may be experiencing homelessness, please contact:


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