Bilingual Education
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Department of Language Acquisition Services
Yá’át’ééh, Bienvenidos, Welcome
Excellence for all English Language Learners
Phone: (928) 527-6108
Common Questions
What are the goals of the English Language Learner programs in FUSD?
Our goals are:
- To ensure that our English language learners acquire the language skills necessary to succeed in life and in the classroom
- To help students become proficient speakers, readers, and writers of English as quickly as possible
- To prepare students to meet or exceed state academic standards
EL Specialists coordinate Language Acquisition Plans to help each EL meet these goals.
Are English Language Learners eligible for other programs and services?
All students have equal opportunities to participate in all district programs. For example, some EL students may qualify for the gifted program. Other EL students may qualify for Special Education services.
Our programs, teachers, staff, and resources are all focused on helping English language learners (ELs) reach their highest potential. Our main focus is to ensure that FUSD English language learners acquire the language skills they need to succeed in the classroom and in life.
What We Offer
- EL Identification and Placement
- EL Services to Students
- Language Acquisition Plans
- Special Language Programs
- Progress Monitoring
- Language Proficiency Testing
- EL Teacher Training
What is an EL?
An EL is a student who: (1) lives in a home where a language other than English is spoken; and (2) has limited proficiency in English.
How are ELs identified?
During registration, all parents complete a Home Language Survey. If the survey indicates that a language other than English is spoken in the home, the student is tested for English proficiency using the Arizona English Language Learner Assessment (AZELLA). Students who do not score proficient on the AZELLA qualify for EL programs.
What ELL programs are offered?
Structured English Immersion (SEI): EL students in secondary schools receive one-two hours of targeted English instruction each day in conversation, reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary in a self-contained classroom. They also receive one-two hours integrated instruction in the general education setting where the classroom teachers support language development through content instruction.
EL Education: El students in elementary school receive one-two hours of targeted English instruction each day in conversation, reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary in a small group setting with an EL Specialist. They also receive one-two hours of integrated instruction in the general education setting where the classroom teachers support language development through content instruction.
Bilingual Education: This program is offered at Puente de Hozho Tri-lingual Magnet Elementary School, and Puente de Hozho Language Academy at Sinagua Middle School. Parents must sign a waiver for their child to participate in either the Spanish/English Dual Language Program or the Navajo Immersion Program. The goal of these programs is for students to become proficient speakers, readers, and writers of English and another language (Spanish or Navajo).
If you have questions about English Language Learner programs, contact the EL specialist in your building. Information is also available online at:, FUSD Department of Language Acquisition Services.
Does my child have to participate in the program?
Parents have the right to withdraw their child from the program if they do not want their child to receive language services.
Who can help?
If you have questions about your child’s EL program, you should call your school and ask to speak to the EL Specialist