One to one equals iPad

Family & Student Resources

1:1 iPad Initiative

  • In November 2018, a bond was passed by the Flagstaff Unified School District community in support of renovating and maintaining schools, upgrading technology and school buses, and enhancing learning environments with the use of technology in instructional resources in grades K-12.

    Beginning in January 2020, FUSD distributed iPads to students at secondary schools (middle and high schools).  iPads were then distributed to all elementary schools at the beginning of the 2020-2021 academic year. 

    The devices are part of a 1:1 technology initiative in which students will receive a device to use for school-related purposes that enhance deeper learning activities through personalized learning instructional strategies, increased engagement and interactivity, access to educational resources, and shared learning practices.  With the goal of enhancing student education, the initiative is focused on upgrading student educational experiences and adapting the classroom environment for the benefit of academic outcomes.

    Ground Work

    FUSD has had technology offerings for students since 2012 with the introduction of iPad carts where classes could check out the resources for specific work.   Following the success of these efforts, and with community support in passing the 2018 bond, FUSD has been able to begin the 1:1 initiative with support of a Bond Tech Advisory Committee that had representation from every school site and department.  FUSD enhanced the networks and conducted team trainings during this time in preparation for a team member and student rollout.

    Throughout the 2019 and 2020 school years, Team FUSD distributed iPads to all teachers in all schools and conducted multiple trainings on how to use the devices that enhance the learning environment.  Courses included managing a 1:1 classroom and tactics for differentiated learning practices that allow for more flexibility in working with student interests and needs.

    Additionally, FUSD worked to ensure that the devices operate as a secured environment.  Work included limiting access to non-educational sites on and off of FUSD campuses, enhancing the wireless network, providing digital resources, and establishing clear practices for device usage.


Voter Approved Bond Project

Important Links

  • Cleaning 1:1 Devices

    To clean Apple products:

    • Use only a soft, lint-free cloth. Avoid abrasive cloths, towels, paper towels, or similar items. 
    • Avoid excessive wiping, which might cause damage. 
    • Unplug all external power sources, devices, and cables.
    • Keep liquids away from the product, unless otherwise noted for specific products.
    • Don't get moisture into any openings.
    • Don't use aerosol sprays, bleaches, or abrasives.
    • Don't spray cleaners directly onto the item.

    To disinfect Apple products:

    • Using a 70 percent isopropyl alcohol wipe or Clorox Disinfecting Wipes, you may gently wipe the hard, nonporous surfaces of your Apple product, such as the display, keyboard, or other exterior surfaces.
    • Don't use bleach.
    • Avoid getting moisture in any opening, and don't submerge your Apple product in any cleaning agents. 

    More information available from Apple at: 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What does 1:1 mean? 

    Every Flagstaff Unified School District (FUSD) middle and high school student can receive a device to use for school-related purposes, including note-taking, assignments, tests, research, presentations, and asking questions. Students use their devices in class and, at most schools, take them home to use for homework. 

    Why does FUSD support a 1:1 model of instruction and learning? 

    Technology is an important learning and teaching tool. The device, software, and applications enhance teaching and learning activities. Key areas of focus are student engagement, access to higher-level questions and activities, student self-assessment, parent monitoring of student progress and teacher assessment of learning. Technology use is an important component of many post-high school challenges, including college, university and work. The 1:1 model better prepares students for success in school and beyond. 

    When are these devices issued to students? 

    Students receive their devices according to their school’s beginning of the year schedule. Beyond the beginning of the year, students will be issued an iPad upon enrollment.

    What is required for a student to receive an iPad?

    Student iPads will be assigned once:

    • The student and their parents/guardians have reviewed the FUSD Technology Responsible Use Agreement, have accepted the terms and have returned the signed Agreement to their school. 
    • The student and their parents/guardians have reviewed the iPad Loan Agreement, have accepted the terms and have returned the Agreement to their school. 
    • The annual $25 Device Protection Plan Fee has been paid, for those choosing device damage coverage. 

    Are these devices considered district property? 

    Yes, these devices are checked out to students much like textbooks, and students are required to return their iPad in good working condition. Failure to return the device may result in appropriate collection efforts and a possible stolen property report to law enforcement. 

    In addition to the device, what other items are issued to the student? 

    Each iPad comes with a Logitech keyboard case, an Apple power “brick” and Apple lightning to USB cable. These are also considered property of Flagstaff USD and must be returned when the iPad is returned. 

    Can a student “opt out” of the 1:1 initiative and not receive a device? 

    Yes. However, more and more curricular resources are becoming available in digital format. To assist in being successful in their classes, students will need to have access to digital course content. Also, FUSD encourages all students to have the technology skills to become successful in their future endeavors. In today’s technology-driven world, a device is a tool, like a textbook, that is part of a student’s learning process. 

    Will a student receive the same device upon their return at the same school the following year?

    Yes. Once assigned a device, students will continue to receive the same device as long as they remain enrolled at that school. 

    Are there fees associated with the 1:1 program? 

    Parents/guardians may choose to pay the Device Protection Plan fee of $25 to help minimize their financial risk due to potential damage. This fee must be paid before the device is received.

    Does my family homeowner’s insurance cover breakage and damage to my student’s device?

    Please contact your personal insurance provider to inquire about policy coverage, as FUSD cannot provide such advice. 

    What does the protection plan cost? 

    The protection plan cost is $25 per device, per year. Please see the iPad Loan Agreement. 

    What type of damages or repairs does the protection plan cover? 

    The protection plan covers normal wear and tear, accidental damage and general repairs, such as fixing cracked screens or broken keyboards. 

    Who is responsible for loss, theft or damage to the device while at school or home? 

    Students and parents are 100% responsible for the assigned device. This includes the costs to repair and/or replace the device. The $25 Device Protection Plan fee is collected to help to minimize liability. 

    What if a student’s device needs to be repaired? 

    Students/Families should contact their school library. The student will speak to library staff regarding the repairs needed, the applicable costs and estimated repair completion date. Certified technicians will repair the device as quickly as possible. In some cases, a loaner device will be issued to the student, at the discretion of district staff, for the duration of the repair. 

    Can a student complete the coursework without a device while it is being repaired? 

    Yes. Students may be given a loaner device to use while their assigned device is being repaired. The loaner device may not have equivalent performance or features. 

    What if a student moves or transfers to another school or district? 

    Students are required to return the device to the school if they transfer to another school or withdraw. The device must be in good working order and be returned with all components (Apple lightning to USB cable and Apple power “brick”). Failure to return the device and accessories is a criminal violation of A.R.S. 13-1802.  

    If the student transfers to another FUSD school offering 1:1 technology, the Device Protection Plan will transfer. 

    Do students have to bring their devices home if they already own a computer or tablet?

    Students are required to take their devices to and from school, unless alternative arrangements have been made in advance. 

    Are there issues if students have unlimited access to the internet? 

    The iPad has security features and filtering intended to protect and prohibit students from accessing inappropriate materials on the internet. This security and filtering applies to school, home, and other networks, such as public libraries, restaurants, and airports. 

    What if the student doesn’t have internet access at home? 

    Students can still use the device without the internet. Textbooks and many assignments may be accessible without an internet connection. Some resources are downloaded on the device and available offline. Also, school libraries will have the availability of a wireless hotspots to check out when appropriate. 

    When can students access the school’s internet Wi-Fi capabilities? 

    The school’s Wi-Fi is always on. Students can access it whenever they are on campus or from parking lots nearest to the school building.  Please adhere to all social distancing protocols if using FUSD Wi-Fi on site. 

    Does this 1:1 initiative eliminate the need to bring textbooks home? 

    No. This program does not eliminate textbooks; however, using technology to the fullest extent will reduce the number of printed textbooks being used. This is determined on a course-by-course basis. 

    What access do students have when they use their iPad? 

    Students have the ability to use approved educational apps, Maps, Notes, Reminders, Calendar, Google Suite, Airplay/Screen Sharing, connect to Wi-Fi, browse the Web, take photos, use Bluetooth, setup and use a passcode, TouchID and organize/group apps. Students do not have the ability to use FaceID, pair an Apple Watch, change iPad wallpaper, modify impactful settings, use a VPN, erase settings, use radio/Apple Music, add or remove apps, or use Siri, iMessage, Facetime or Airdrop. 

    Why do you have to be 13 to have a Google or Canvas account? 

    Anyone aged 13 and above can set up and manage their own Google accounts. The minimum age restriction is in place because of the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). This act limits online services from collecting personal information of users under the age of 13 without their parental consent. 

    Can students use their own devices? 

    Yes. Students may use their own devices and/or cellphones to complete learning tasks per teacher and school guidance, however, some capabilities (interactive classroom activities) as well as resources (apps, testing tools, etc.) available on district iPads will not be available on personal devices.  Any device that has Wi-Fi-capability can access the school’s internet on the PDWLAN network. The district technology staff is not able to assist students if their personal technology is malfunctioning. Any act that violates responsible use on a personal network and/or device, occuring on FUSD property or during an FUSD sponsored event, may be subject to disciplinary action.

    What are the consequences for inappropriate use of the devices?

    Students must use the device in compliance with FUSD Policy IJNDB-EB regarding appropriate use of technology. The student and parent acknowledge that they have read this policy, including its regulation, and understand that violation of this policy will result in a loss of privileges and further disciplinary action. 

    What does a student do with the device during PE? 

    During PE, devices should be secured in the student’s locker, unless the device will be used during the class or activity. Instructors give students directions about device needs as they enter the classroom. 

    Is the iPad heat, cold, and water-sensitive? 

    Yes. Students should use care when storing their devices and should not leave them where they could get damaged by the weather or other elements. 

    Will a student need to turn in his or her iPad at the end of the school year? 

    Yes, the school-provided devices will be collected, much like textbooks are distributed and collected. Apple accessories must also be returned. No third party accessories will be accepted. If a student returns to the same school the next year, will he or she get the same iPad? That is the intention, though it is not guaranteed.