Nearpod in FUSD
All teachers in FUSD can utilize the District version of Nearpod, giving access to 6,000 + pre-made lessons as well as the ability to turn powerpoint and Google Slides into interactive Nearpod Lessons. Please make sure your Nearpod account is our district account (look at your account settings in Nearpod at nearpod.com) to ensure you have access. If you do not have access to the district Nearpod account, please submit a Help Desk ticket. Students do not have Nearpod accounts. Students join using a code provided by the teacher.
Nearpod is a powerful teaching and learning tool to use with students live or asynchronously! Please explore the links below.
Nearpod Overview Video
Nearpod Teacher Resources Page
Ice Braker Lessons in Nearpod Grade k-12
Resources for Back to School with Nearpod
Nearpod & Canvas Webinar
Nearpod Webinars