Student Support Services
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School Health Information
Health History
A health history is required upon enrollment either online or in person and periodically needs updating for the school nurses to be knowledgeable of chronic health conditions, medication, or nursing procedures needed while at school and for evaluation of illness and appropriate interventions.
Please keep your child at home:
If your child has a fever of 100.4 degrees or greater.
Until your child is fever free without taking fever reducing medications (acetaminophen or ibuprofen) for at least 24 hours.
If you think your child has chicken pox or other communicable disease.
If your child is experiencing diarrhea and/or vomiting (keep home for 24 hours).
If your child has "heavy" nasal congestion or a productive, persistent or hacking cough, with or without a fever.
If any unexplained rash accompanied by a fever is present.
Your child has red eye(s), with goopy or crusty drainage coming from their eyes, with or without itching.
Situations where a child may attend school include:
Rash - A rash is present, but there is no fever. Contact your school nurse.
Common Cold - Your child has symptoms of a mild cold but otherwise feels well.
Twenty-four (24) hours have passed after starting an antibiotic for a contagious disease such as strep or pink eye.
Medication at School
Prescription medication(s) and over-the-counter (OTC) medication(s) that need to be taken during school hours will be administered by the school nurse or other designated school staff. A parent/guardian’s signed consent is required for the administration of prescriptions and OTC medications at school. Both prescription and OTC medications must be given to the school nurse or administrator in the original container with a proper pharmacy label and a “request of medication at school” form must be completed prior to being able to administer the medication(s).
Policy © 5-404 Administration of Medication can be found here
Legal References: ARS §15-344; 32-1601; 32-1901